Our organization’s goal is to provide a political education and study abroad opportunities for the youth of Baltimore that are accessible, relatable, and affordable.
Student’s participation in our program is not only an educational experience but a chance for them to grow and learn about themselves in a new environment. Before students partake in the study abroad program they must attend and complete coursework through our African-centered educational workshops. Our workshops allow students to gain a plethora of skills that will be extremely helpful as they prepare for higher education. Since 2016, students have traveled through our program to Havana, Cuba, New Orleans, U.S.A and Washington, DC. Scholars in our program learn about the African Diaspora and acquire critical thinking skills to discuss solutions to the challenges that impact the African Diaspora globally. This includes the discussion of complex issues such as institutionalized racism, health disparities, and internalized anti-Blackness.
There is no question that study abroad experiences can be extremely beneficial to a student’s academic and social growth. Unfortunately, study abroad programs are extremely inaccessible to Black youth due to economic oppression, lack of study abroad programs in public schools, and assumed disinterest of Black students to participate in international educational programs. In 2015, the U.S. State Department revealed that out of all the students in the United States who have the opportunity to study abroad, only 5% of those students are Black. The State Department's findings also showed that in the 2012-2013 school year, more than half of the students that study abroad traveled to European countries. The African Diaspora Alliance directly addresses these disparities by providing opportunities for Black youth to study abroad and intentionally connect with African descendant communities throughout the world.
"In the State Department's findings they revealed that in the 2012-2013 school year more than half of the students that study abroad went to European countries."

After-School Programming
Each year, our students participate in educational workshops about the African Diaspora, activism, and international politics. Our educational programming culminates with a two-week international immersion trip to study African Diaspora history within a specific context. This opportunity is only offered to students who successfully complete the after-school programming.
Youth of the Diaspora 2022-2023 Cartagena, Costa Rica
Youth of the Diaspora 2021-2022 Limon, Costa Rica
Youth of the Diaspora 2020-2021 New Orleans, Louisiana
Youth of the Diaspora 2018-2019 Academic Year
Youth of the Diaspora 2016-2017 Academic Year
Youth of the Diaspora 2015-2016 Academic Year


Partners & Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the many institutions, companies and individuals who share our vision and help to fund the futures of our youth. Here are our supporters and partners from the past and present. Thank you all so much!
"Being able to travel abroad and experience the African Diaspora in its wholeness, our participants will begin to unlearn the fallacies taught to them about black history, to better understand themselves."